Case Report(症例報告)
(0200 - 0204)
Traumatic Foreign Body in the Left Ventricle: A Case Report
川田 哲嗣, 北村 惣一郎, 河内 寛治, 関 寿夫, 長谷川 順一, 亀田 陽一
Tetsuji KAWATA, Soichiro KITAMURA, Kanji KAWACHI, Toshio SEKI, Junichi HASEGAWA, Yoichi KAMEDA
The Department of Surgery III, Nara Medical College
キーワード : Foreign body, Left ventricle, Intraoperative echocardiography
A traumatic foreign body in the left ventricle is a rare event in Japan. A 54 year-old man was accidentally hit in the chest with a small metallic fragment which entered the left ventricle. After on operation, the wound was evident only at the right ventricular outflow tract. Using intraoperative echocardiography the body was easily detected on the inferior left ventricular wall. And we were able to locate the incision site near the foreign body, without injuring the coronary artery and without any unnecessary ventricular incision. In conclusion, to remove a foreign body, an intraoperative echocardiography from the operative field is a useful method for detecting the foreign body and determining the incisional approach.