Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1991 - Vol.18

Vol.18 No.02

Case Report(症例報告)

(0205 - 0211)


A Case of Portal Vein Thrombosis Observed Serially by Ultrasound after Hassab's Operation

山本 宏1, 安田 是和1, 落合 聖二1, 中田 雅敏1, 柏井 昭良1, 金澤 暁太郎1, 伊東 紘一2

Hiroshi YAMAMOTO1, Yoshikazu YASUDA1, Seiji OCHIAI1, Masatoshi NAKATA1, Akiyoshi KASHII1, Kyotaroh KANAZAWA1, Kouichi ITOH2

1自治医科大学消化器・一般外科, 2自治医科大学臨床病理学

1Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School, 2Department of Clinical Pathology, Jichi Medical School

キーワード : Idiopathic portal hypertension, Portal vein thrombosis, Hepatic ischemia, Ultrasound

A 35-year-old female underwent the Hassab's operation for symptomatic idiopathic portal hypertension. Preoperative ultrasonography (US) demonstrated the dilated portal vein. The patient developed fever and her platelet count was over 1000,000 /mm³ on the 9th postoperative day. US demonstrated a few hyperechoic mural masses attached in the portal vein. An oval lucent area demonstrated in the right lobe of the liver by both CT and US was diagnosed as hepatic ischemic change due to portal vein thrombosis. US would delineate an apparent disappearance of thrombi by anticoagulant therapy. We recommend routine application of this device to check possible portal vein thrombosis after surgery in the region.