Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1991 - Vol.18

Vol.18 No.05

Original Article(原著)

(0461 - 0469)


Splenic Blood Flow in Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders

瓜田  純久1, 松崎  浩司1, 岩崎  格1, 石原  学1, 飯田  和成1, 成木  行彦1, 大塚  幸雄1, 白井  達男1, 橋本  優子2, 山崎  和子2

Yoshihisa URITA1, Hiroshi MATSUZAKI1, Tadashi IWASAKI1, Manabu ISHIHARA1, Kazunari IIDA1, Yukihiko NARUKI1, Sachio OHTSUKA1, Tatsuo SHIRAI1, Yuko HASHIMOTO2, Kazuko YAMAZAKI2

1東邦大学第1内科, 2東邦大学超音波室

1The First Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Toho University, 2Department of Ultrasonics Laboratory, Toho University

キーワード : Myeloproliferative disorder, Splenic blood flow, Myelopoietic function

Splenic hemodynamics in patients with diffuse liver diseases has often been compared with that in hematological diseases. Patients with hematological diseases frequently have splenomegaly caused by various mechanisms. Using an ultrasonic Doppler duplex system for estimation of splenic hemodynamics, we studied the relationship between splenic blood flow volume and Myelopoietic function of the bone marrow in patients with chronic myeloproliferative disorders. This study showed that splenomegaly was prominent, and splenic blood flow volume showed a marked increase. The increase in splenic blood flow volume correlated well with the maximum splenic area. The splenic venous and arterial blood flow volume per unit of splenic area was reduced in patients with chronic myeloproliferative disorders, and showed a positive correlation with % Fe-59 utilization in red cells (% RCU). The remarkable decrease in splenic venous blood flow volume appeared 8-10 weeks after chemotherapy using Busulfan, but splenic arterial blood flow volume remained unchanged after that. These results indicated that the myelopoietic function of the bone marrow influenced splenic blood flow volume somewhat, but splenic blood flow volume was affected by maximum splenic area more than by the myelopoietic function of the bone marrow.