Original Article(原著)
(0561 - 0573)
Imaging Diagnosis of Extra Hepatic Bile Duct Cancer -Especially by Endoscopic Ultrasonography and Ordinary Ultrasonography
山田 至人1, 木田 光広1, 坂口 哲章1, 野登 誠1, 西元寺 克禮1, 大宮 東生2
Yukihito YAMADA1, Mitsuhiro KIDA1, Tetsuaki SAKAGUCHI1, Makoto NOTO1, Katsunori SAIGENJI1, Harumi OHMIYA2
1北里大学消化器内科, 2北里大学外科
1Department of Internal Medicine, Kitasato University, School of Medicine, 2Department of Surgery, Kitasato University, School of Medicine
キーワード : Endoscopic Ultrasonography, Ordinary Ultrasonography, Extra hepatic bile duct cancer, Imaging diagnosis
The diagnostic accuracy of US, ERCP, PTCD, CT and EUS in extra hepatic bile duct (EHBD) cancer
was investigated. We focused especially on the imaging of US and the imaging of EUS compared with that
of other imaging diagnosis methods. Fifty-two subjects were studied. Diagnosis for these cases were as
follows; hilus of EHBD (Bh), superior portion of EHBD (Bs), middle portion of EHBD (Bm), and inferior
portion of EHBD (Bi) in 20, 10, 9 and 13 cases, respectively.
By US findings, the tumor margin of the EHBD cancers was unclear (86%), and the echo level was
isoechoic(35%) or hypoechoic (60%). In addition, the echo pattern was almost heterogeneous (86%).
The detection rate of the tumor was 85%, 70%, 78% and 83% in Bh, Bs, Bm and Bi, respectively.
The diagnostic accuracy rate for imaging diagnosis was 65%, 88%, 88% and 37% by US, ERCP, PTCD
and CT, respectively. The accuracy and the detection rate of extra ductal invasion of EUS were compared
with those of US and CT in 8 resected of the above-cases. The diagnostic accuracy rate of pancreas
invasion was 50%, 25% and 25% by EUS, US and CT, respectively. However, there was no difference in the
diagnostic accuracy rate of other histopathological findings between EUS and other imaging diagnosis
To investigate the differential diagnosis of Bi cancer and pancreas head (Ph) , 8 cases of Bi cancer and
14 cases of Ph cancer were studied. The correct diagnosis ratio of EUS 100%, but other total imaging
diagnosis were 75% and 93% in Bi cancer and Ph cancer, respectively. EUS is one of the most useful
diagnostic methods in EHBD cancer and differential diagnosis of Ph cancer.