Technical Note(技術報告)
(0634 - 0638)
Digital Filing System for Sonograms with Optical-Magnet Disk
境田 通泰1, 名取 道也1, 吉田 丈児1, 田中 守1, 河野 八朗1, 小林 俊文1, 野沢 志朗1, 甲子 乃人2
Michiyasu SAKAIDA1, Michiya NATORI1, Joji YOSHIDA1, Mamoru TANAKA1, Hachiro KONO1, Toshifumi KOBAYASHI1, Shiro NOZAWA1, Nobuto KOHSHI2
1慶應義塾大学医学部産婦人科学教室, 2東芝メディカル株式会社
1Depertment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Keio University, 2Toshiba Medical Sysytem Co., Ltd
キーワード : Sonogram, Digital filing , Optical-magnet disk, Image quality , Micro computer
A data filing system for sonograms has been developed for use a micro computer system and an
optical-magnet disk. Though analogue data filing sysytems can access images in a very short time, the
quality of the stored data, however, deteriorates each time it is accessed. The digital filing systems could
not stand in a clinic use due to its slow speed or the expensive price.
This system consists of a micro-computer, the rewritable optical-magnet disk unit, the interface boards
and the operation program. The interface boards connect the frame memory of the sonograph (SAL-77
A, Toshiba) to the bus line of the micro computer (PC-9801 UX, NEC). "C" and "Assembly" were used
for the programing languages. On filing, the static image data on the frame memory is transferred to the
main memory of the micro computer through the 8 bit parallel interface, and are stored in the opticalmagnet disk unit. On drawing out, the stored images are called in the reverse sequence to the CRT. This
system requires no A/D or D/A canversion process, so resolutional deterioration does not occur different
from the analogue systems.
This enabled the image duplication without deterioration and the images can be conserved with the
original quality.