Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1991 - Vol.18

Vol.18 No.08

Original Article(原著)

(0767 - 0773)


The Measurement of Renal Segmental Artery and Interlobar Artery in Nephrotic and Non-nephrotic Syndrome by Doppler Color Flow Imaging

戸塚 大輔1, 朴 正佑1, 杉崎 徹三1, 久保田 和義2, 川内 章裕2

Daisuke TOTSUKA1, Shousuke BOKU1, Tetsuzo SUGISAKI1, Kazuyoshi KUBOTA2, Akihiro KAWAUCHI2

1昭和大学医学部附属病院腎臓内科, 2昭和大学医学部附属病院外科

1Department of Nephrology, Showa University, 2Department of Surgery, Showa University

キーワード : Doppler color flow imaging, Renal blood flow velocity, Creatinine clearance, Nephrotic syndrome

Blood flow velocity of the renal segmental artery, interlobar artery and veins in various kidney disease was assessed by color Doppler echography (Type SSA-270A; Toshiba company)
Seventy cases of renal diseses were divided into two groups: nephrotic group (N=25) and non-nephrotic group (N=45). Velocity of the segmental artery and the renal vein were measured in the centra-echo-complex, whereas the velocity of the interlobar artery and the vein at the side of the renal pyramid in longitudinal scan. Maximum blood flow velocity (Vmax) and minimum blood flow velocity (Vmin) were measured in the arteries and only Vmax was measured in the veins quantitatively by pulse wave-Doppler method.
Although artery and venous blood flow velocity in both groups were almost the same, the value of Ccr was decreased significantly (pRelationship between the interlobar venous flow velocity and Ccr in the nephrotic group was correlated negatively, whereas that of the non-nephrotic group was correlated positively.
Our data suggested the presence of abnormal blood flows in the renal cortex, such as shunt flow from the interlobar artery to the interlobar vein, or unequivalence of arterial blood flow. The measurement of the interlobar artery blood flow velocity may be value of prediction of Ccr.