Case Report(症例報告)
(0782 - 0787)
A Case of Asymmetric Annulo-Aortic Ectasia Associated with Dissecting Aneurysm of the Ascending Aorta
高橋 みさ子1, 高橋 経寛1, 佐竹 恒雄1, 金谷 透2
Misako TAKAHASHI1, Tsunehiro TAKAHASHI1, Tsuneo SATAKE1, Tohru KANAYA2
1公立学校共済組合東北中央病院臨床検査科生理, 2公立学校共済組合東北中央病院循環器内科
1Department of Clinical Laboratory Tohoku Central Hospital of Japan Mutual Aid Association of Public School Teachers, 2Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Tohoku Central Hospital of Japan Mutual Aid Association of Public School Teachers
キーワード : 2-D echocardiography, Dissecting aneurysm of the ascending aorta, Asymmetric annulo-aortic ectasia, Cardiac tamponade, Atrial septal defect
A 32-year-old man with a dissecting aortic aneurysm, asymmetrical annulo-aortic ectasia and atrial septal defect was examined by 2-D echocardiography before emergency operation of cardiac tamponade. The patient complained of precordial and back pain and shortness of breath during exertion for 2 days before coming to the out-patient clinic at our hospital. The chest roentgenogram did not reveal an ascending aortic aneurysm, but 2-D echocardiography showed a marked dilatation of the ascending aortic aneurysm (atypical annulo-aortic ectasia) and a slight pericardial effusion.
2-D color Doppler flow mapping was helpful in preoperatively diagnosing artial septal defect and moderate aortic regurgitation.
Thus, in a cardiac emergency requiring surgical treatment, 2-D echocardiography proved useful, especially in diagnosing the ascending aortic aneurysm in the case without abnormality of the chest roentgenogram.