Case Report(症例報告)
(0801 - 0808)
後腹膜脂肪肉腫の2例 −US所見を中心に−
Ultrasonic Findings of Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma
長沼 裕子1, 石田 秀明1, 星野 孝男1, 森川 パブロ1, 新澤 真理1, 正宗 研1, 五十嵐 潔2
Hiroko NAGANUMA1, Hideaki ISHIDA1, Takao HOSHINO1, Pablo MORIKAWA1, Makoto NIIZAWA1, Osamu MASAMUNE1, Kiyoshi IGARASHI2
1秋田大学医学部第一内科, 2仙北組合総合病院消化器科
1The First Department of Internal Medicine, Akita University School of Medicine, 2Senboku-Kumiai General Hospital
キーワード : Liposarcoma, Retroperitoneum, Artifact, Fibrosis, Ultrasound
Two cases of well-differentiated retroperitoneal liposarcoma were reported. In both cases, sonography showed a large, well-demarcated, hyperechoic, homogenous retroperitoneal mass containing multiple fine hyperechoic lines. The hyperechoic lines changed their direction according to the utilized ultrasonic scanning methods as follows. With the linear scanning method, the lines ran parallel to the probe, and with the sector scanning method, the lines showed a concentric course around the probe, indicating that the hyperechoic lines were positioned vertically to the ultrasonic beam. We named this phenomenon "wind-and-wave sign." These "waves" (hyperechoic lines) changed their form with the direction of the prevailing "wind" (scanning method). Histologically, numerous fine fibrous septa developed in the lipomatous tumor tissue. Sonographically, the echogenicity of the object depended largely on the angle between the ultrasonic beam and the object. Furthermore, the direction of the ultrasonic beam changed according to the scanning method employed (linear versus sector). Therefore, the distribution of the hyperechoic lines, positioned vertically to the ultrasonic beam, changed according to the scanning method. This wind-and-wave sign is characteristic of lipoma or well-differentiated liposarcoma, and is considered useful for making a preoperative diagnosis.