Original Article(原著)
(0826 - 0833)
Problems in Echocardiographic Determination of Left Ventricular Wall Thickness -Comparison with Pathological Measurements in Autopsied Hearts-
上野 洋1, 横田 慶之1, 宝田 明1, 三木 隆1, 薄木 成一郎1, 竹内 陽史郎1, 川合 宏哉1, 河島 哲也1, 伊藤 宏2, 横山 光宏1
Hiroshi UENO1, Yoshiyuki YOKOTA1, Akira TAKARADA1, Takashi MIKI1, Seiichiro USUKI1, Yoshio TAKEUCHI1, Hiroya KAWAI1, Tetsuya KAWASHIMA1, Hiroshi ITOH2, Mitsuhiro YOKOYAMA1
1神戸大学医学部第一内科, 2神戸大学医学部第一病理
1The First Department of Internal Medicine, Kobe University School of Medicine, 2The First Department of Pathology, Kobe University School of Medicine
キーワード : Autopsied heart, LV wall thickness, Echocardiography, Compact zone, Trabeculae
To evaluate the reliability of the left ventricular (LV) wall thickness by echocardiography, twenty four autopsied hearts were echocardiographically and pathologically investigated: Nine with concentric hypertrophic heart diseases, ten with dilated heart diseases, and five with normal hearts. The autopsied hearts were fixed and hand-sectioned along a transverse plane into 1 cm-thick sections and placed in a water filled tank. B-mode echocardiographic images were evaluated at the papillary muscle level by using a TOSHIBA SSH 160 A instrument with a 3.75 MHz transducer. Echocardiographic regional wall thicknesses [E · WT] of the interventricular septum and the LV posterior wall were compared with pathological wall thicknesses at corresponding portions: compact zone thickness [P(C)] and the sum of the compact zone and trabeculae [P(C+TR)]. E · WT was significantly correlated with P(C) and P(C+TR), but there were some variations. In many cases E · WT was closer to [P(C+TR)] because well developed trabeculae were closely adjacent to each other in the LV cavities. But in some cases of the LV dilatation, trabeculae can be distinguished from compact zone in the large LV cavities, so E · WT was closer to P(C). Generally the values of E · WT were more consistent with P(C+TR) than P(C). The difference beween E · WT and P(C) [=E · WT-P(C)] was significantly correlated with P(TR). These results suggested that echocardiography evaluated the sum of the compact zone and trabeculae thickness rather than compact zone alone as left ventricular wall thickness.