Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1991 - Vol.18

Vol.18 No.09

Technical Note(技術報告)

(0897 - 0903)


Some Invensions for Improving Correct Diagnosis Rate of Echo Guided Aspiration Biopsy

西村 庸夫1, 中西 正1, 棟田 三保1, 浦岡 佳子1, 赤松 興一2

Nobuo NISHIMURA1, Tadashi NAKANISHI1, Miho MUNETA1, Yoshiko URAOKA1, Kouichi AKAMATSU2

1松山市民病院内科, 2愛媛大学医学部第三内科

1Department of Internal Medicine, Matsuyama Shimin Hospital, 2The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Ehime University Medical School

キーワード : Fine needle aspiration biopsy, Capsule of hepatoma, Experimental studies, Negative pressure

Echo aspiration biopsy was performed using a 21 G needle with a small diameter in 33 nodules of intrahepatic small lesions. The biopsy tissue and resected specimen were compared in false negative cases. Our results showed that when aspiration was initiated before the capsule in hepatoma cases with a thick capsule, the needle tip was occluded with cirrhotic tissue and the capsule and tumor tissue did not enter into the needle. Therefore, it is necessary for the needle to puncture the tumor before initiating aspiration biopsy.
Regarding the fine needle aspiration biopsy, the performance capability of the needle itself and the procedure for puncturing have been discussed much, whereas how the aspired specimens should be treated has been little discussed. The specimens, when allowed to stand only for a second, become fragmented. We note that the causes for such fragmentation includes an influx of air from the tip of the needle immediately following the biopsy. In tissue sampling, even if consistent specimens are obtained, they are often found to become fragmented by rapid influx of air from the tip of the needle. To prevent such fragmentation, it is necessary to release negative pressure immediately following withdrawal of the needle. Our method to release the negative pressure has proved to be very effective to ensure satisfactory aspired specimens.