Case Report(症例報告)
(0041 - 0048)
Four Cases of Obturator Hernia in which the Orifice was Visualized with Ultrasonography-On Ultrasonographic Technique for Detecting Obturator Hernia-
湯浅 肇1, 後藤 幸一1, 若林 宏和1, 尾崎 一2, 荒谷 浩一2, 吉村 誠3, 多々見 光仁3, 綿引 元3
Hajime YUASA1, Kouichi GOTO1, Hirokazu WAKABAYASHI1, Hajime OZAKI2, Kouichi ARATANI2, Makoto YOSHIMURA3, Mitsuhito TATAMI3, Hajime WATAHIKI3
1聖隷三方原病院総合診療内科, 2聖隷三方原病院検査科, 3聖隷三方原病院消化器科
1Department of Internal Medicine, The Seirei-Mikatabara Hospital, 2Department Central Laboratory, The Seirei-Mikatabara Hospital, 3Department of Gastroenterology, The Seirei-Mikatabara Hospital
キーワード : Ultrasonography, Obturator hernia, Ultrasonographic technique
We treated four patients with obturator hernia in which the orifice was visualized with ultrasonography. By analyzing these cases, we developed a screening method to detect this type of hernia. Sagittal scan of the inguinal region with the midpoint between the pubic symphysis and femoral vessels reveals the obturator artery and vein below the pubic bone, and fascia of the obturator muscle appears as a high echo caudal extension. Transverse scanning two fingers widths below the line from the puic tubercle to the major trochanter reveals the femoral muscle group. The combination of these scans can be used to detect hernias of the intestines.