Original Article(原著)
(0292 - 0297)
低出生体重児における脳動脈血流速度の出生後の変化; カラーフロー像補助によるパルスドプラ法による測定
Change in Cerebral Blood-flow Velocities in Low-birth-weight Infants; Evaluation by Duplex Doppler Sonography with Color Flow Imaging
岩澤 多恵, 竹林 茂生, 相田 典子, 荻田 安時
Department of Radiology and Department of Pediatrics of Yokohama City University School of Medicine
キーワード : Infant, Small for gestational age , Ultrasound, Doppler studies, Cerebral blood flow velocity
Cerebral blood flow velocities (CBFV) in 14 asymptomatic low-brith-weight infants were measured during the five days after birth using duplex Doppler sonography with color flow imaging. The subjects were dividedinto three groupes; five AFD (appropriate for date, appropriately grown for age) infants, five aSFD (asymmetrical small for date, asymmetrical small for gestational age) infants, and four SSFD (symmetrical SFD) infants. The CBFV was compared with the baseline measurements, within 24 hrs after birth. The mean peak systolic velocities of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) increased to 250% at 4 days of age in SSFD infants, it was greater than 161% in AFD infants, or 162% in aSFD infnats (p<0.01). The percent systolic velocities of MCA at 4 days of age correlated with the SD of the head circumferences of the infants (p<0.025). In aSFD infants, the mean percent systolic velocity of the basilar artery at 4 days of age was 134%. This value was statistically smaller than that of MCA (162%, p<0.025), and the anterior cerebral artery (202%, p<0.005). These results suggest that SFD infants will have a different increasing pattern in the change in CBFV comparing with AFD infants.
Abbreviations used : AFD (appropriate for date) , aSFD (asymmetrical small for date) , SSFD (symmetrical small for date) , MCA (middle cerebral artery) , ACA (anterior cerebral artery) , basilar A (basilar artery).