Case Report(症例報告)
(0364 - 0369)
A Case of Splenic Sarcoidosis Difficult to Differentiate from Primary Malignant Tumor of the Spleen.
上山 教夫1, 佐伯 啓三1, 山筋 忠1, 市来 秀一1, 加藤 修一1, 仲 淳一郎1, 美園 俊明1, 花田 修一1, 西俣 寛人1, 有馬 暉勝1, 末永 豊邦2, 徳永 正義3
Norio UEYAMA1, Keizo SAEKI1, Tadasi YAMASUJI1, Syuichi ICHIKI1, Syuichi KATO1, Junichiro NAKA1, Toshiaki MISONO1, Syuichi HANADA1, Hiroto NISIMATA1, Terukatsu ARIMA1, Toyokuni SUENAGA2, Masayoshi TOKUNAGA3
1鹿児島大学医学部第二内科, 2南風病院外科, 3鹿児島市立病院 病理研究検査室
1The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University, 2Department of Surgery, Nanpu hospital, 3Department of pathology, Kagoshima Municipal Hospital
キーワード : Sarcoidosis, Spleen, Mass surveirance, Ultrasonography
Tumorous lesions in the spleen has been reported to be rare. We have encountered a case with multiple tumor in the spleen found by ultrasonography in the human dock. Splenectomy was carried out because primary malignant tumor of the spleen could not be ruled out by various examinations. Histological diagnosis of the resected specimens was sarcoidosis. Ultrasonic findings together with a review of the literature was reported herein.