Original Article(原著)
(0409 - 0415)
Quantitative Evaluation of the Renal Function by Ultrasonography
高木 等1, 鹿野 昌彦2, 傍島 裕司2, 木村 得次1, 坂野 信也1, 金森 勇雄1
Hitoshi TAKAGI1, Masahiko SHIKANO2, Hiroshi SOBAJIMA2, Tokuji KIMURA1, Shinya BANNO1, Isao KANAMORI1
1大垣市民病院放射線技術部, 2大垣市民病院内科
1Department of Radiology, Ogaki Municipal Hospital, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Ogaki Municipal Hospital
キーワード : Ultrasonography, Chronic gromerulonephritis, Renal function, Creatinin clearance, Central echo complex
In order to evaluate the relationship between the ultrasonic image of a kidney and the renal function, we tried quantifying the ultrasonic finding by the following method. The whole kidney are (W) and its central echo complex area (C) on the longitudinal ultrasonic image were measured, and the C/W ratio was calculated in 111 cases. The increased C/W ratio tended to reflect the disturbance of the renal function. It was significantly correlated with serum creatinine and Ccr. In conclusion, the increased C/W ratio probably suggests the disturbance of the renal function and the increased pathological change.