Original Article(原著)
(0500 - 0506)
Relation Between Mitral Inflow Hemodynamics and Pulmonary Vein Flow Hemodynamics during Left Ventricular Early Filling Period -A Study with Transesophageal Doppler Echocardiography
加川 憲作1, 赤松 繁2, 荒川 迪生1, 絲堺召 悦司2, 野田 俊之1, 三輪 啓志1, 平川 千里1
Kensaku KAGAWA1, Shigeru AKAMATSU2, Michio ARAKAWA1, Etsuji TERAZAWA2, Toshiyuki NODA1, Hiroshi MIWA1, Senri HIRAKAWA1
1岐阜大学医学部第二内科, 2岐阜大学医学部麻酔科
1The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Gifu University School of Medicine, 2Department of Anesthesiology, Gifu University School of Medicine
キーワード : Pulmonary vein flow, Mitral inflow, Systolic fraction, Left ventricular filling dynamics
To assess the relation between the mitral inflow dynamics and pulmonary vein flow dynamics, we studied 26 surgical patients with no signs of cardiac disorder under general anesthesia by transesophageal Doppler echocardiography. Analyzing the mitral inflow velocities during the early filling period (E wave) and during the atrial contraction period (A wave) , the pulmonary vein flow velocities during the left ventricular systole (S wave) and during the left ventricular diastolic early filling period (D wave) , we measured the following variables: acceleration halftimes of E and D waves (AHTE, AHTD); deceleration halftimes of their waves (DHTE, DHTD); peak flow velocities of E and A waves (E, A); and the ratio of E to A (E/A), and the ratio of S area to the sum of S area and D area [Sa/(Sa+Da): systolic fraction] , which is regarded as the ratio of the left atrial storage volume to the left (or right) ventricular stroke volume. Deceleration halftime of pulmonary vein diastolic flow velocity (DHTD) correlated positively with that of mitral early inflow velocity (DHTE) (r=0.72) , and systolic fraction [Sa/(Sa+Da)] correlated with acceleration halftime of mitral inflow velocity (AHTE) , and with the ratio of peak early to peak late mitral inflow velocities (E/A) (r=0.64, r=-0.81). These results suggest that 1)pulmonary vein flow dynamics reflects mitral inflow dynamics during mid-diastole, and the left ventricle seems to be filled first with blood stored in the left atrium and then with blood coming from the pulmonary vascular bed, and 2) the left atrial "storage function" estimated as a systolic fraction of the pulmonary vein flow velocity seems to be enhanced with the impairment of left ventricular "diastolic function".