循環器領域:循環器(10) 末梢血管
Atherosclerotic lesions of carotid artery and femoral artery in patients with ishemic heart disease and patients with cerebral infarction.
早川 勇人1, 越智 弘2, 芹山 康雄1, 橋本 哲男3
Hayato HAYAKAWA1, Hiroshi OCHI2, Yasuo SERIYAMA1, Tetuo HASHIMOTO3
1医仁会武田総合病院検査科, 2京都大学 老年科, 3医仁会武田総合病院循環器科
1Laboratory of Clinical Medicine, Ijinkai-Takeda General Hospital, 2Department of Geriatoric Medicine, Kyoto University, 3Department of Cardiorogy, Ijinkai-Takeda General Hospital
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