Original Article(原著)
(0077 - 0085)
Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling Characteristics in Relation to the Stage of Essential Hypertension
石竹 久仁1, 佐倉 英一郎2, 佐々木 博2, 中村 玄2, 岡本 光師3
Hisahito ISHITAKE1, Eiichiro SAKURA2, Hiroshi SASAKI2, Fukashi NAKAMURA2, Mitsunori OKAMOTO3
1広島記念病院中央検査科, 2広島記念病院内科, 3県立広島病院第1内科
1Department of Central Laboratory, Hiroshima Memorial Hospital, 2Internal Medicine, Hiroshima Memorial Hospital, 3The First Department of Internal Medicine, Perfectural Hiroshima Hospital
キーワード : Essential hypertension, Diastolic characteristics, Pulsed Doppler echocardiography, Left ventricular hypertrophy, Diastolic dysfunction
We examined changes in left ventricular diastolic filling in the progress of essential hypertension by pulsed Doppler echocardiography. The study population comprised 34 hypertensive patients with WHO stage I (H1), 31 hypertensive patients with WHO stage II (H2) and 51 control subjects (C). The isovolumic relaxation time in H1 (91±17 msec, p