Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1993 - Vol.20

Vol.20 No.04

Original Article(原著)

(0205 - 0211)


Studies on the Usefulness of Color Flow Mapping in Differential Diagnosis of the Thyroid Nodules.

矢田 宏1, 谷口 信行2, 水沼 洋文1, 金澤 暁太郎1, 中村 みちる2, 川井 夫規子2, 森 博昭2, 伊東 紘一2

Hiroshi YADA1, Nobuyuki TANIGUCHI2, Hirofumi MIZUNUMA1, Kyotaro KANAZAWA1, Michiru NAKAMURA2, Fukiko KAWAI2, Hiroaki MORI2, Kouichi ITOH2

1自治医科大学消化器一般外科, 2自治医科大学臨床病理

1The Department of General Surgery, Jichi Medical School, 2The Department of Clinical Pathology, Jichi Medical School

キーワード : Color flow mapping , Thyroid nodule , Differential diagnosis

The color flow mapping method was applied to 35 solid nodules to demonstrate their blood flow patterns. All five papillary carcinoma of the thyroid lacked any demonstrable intranodular color flow image, on the contrary, 10 out of 17 follicular tumors had demonstrable intranodular color flow image. Anaplastic carcinoma and malignant lymphoma of the thyroid showed demonstrable peri-and intranodular color flow image as well. The possibility of differentiating benign follicular tumors from the malignant by the color flow mapping method was discussed.