Technical Note(技術報告)
(0376 - 0381)
An On-line Computer Analysis of Exercise Capacity Using Continuous Wave Doppler Flowmetry
小村 寛1, 川添 康郎2, 田原 稔3, 鳥居 博行3, 米満 幸一郎1, 盛本 真司1, 田中 弘允4
Hiroshi KOMURA1, Yasuro KAWAZOE2, Minoru TAHARA3, Hiroyuki TORII3, Koichiro YONEMITSU1, Shinji MORIMOTO1, Hiromitsu TANAKA4
1鹿児島市医師会病院生理検査室, 2鹿児島市医師会病院循環器科, 3中央病院循環器科, 4鹿児島大学第1内科
1Section of Physiological Examination, Kagoshima Municipal Medical Association Hospital, 2Department of Cardiology, Kagoshima Municipal Medical Association Hospital, 3Department of Cardiology, Chuou Hospital, 4The First Department of Internal Medicine, Kagoshima Univercity
キーワード : Brachiocephalic arterial flow, Doppler echocardiography, On-line computer analysis, Exercise capacity
In the previous paper, we reported that exercise tests were performed on the basis of the brachiocephalic arterial flow with continuous wave Doppler echocardiography and changes in the peak flow velocity of blood were correlated with changes in the ejection fraction of the left ventricle. Since our approach is the continuous observation of changes in the arterial flow, the application of a personal computer is indispensable in order to analyze the vast data obtained. Therefore, by indicating on the display screen the signals of the brachiocephalic arterial flow continuously put out by the continuous wave Doppler flowmetry, during exercise, we have devoloped the software which automatically calculates the peak flow velocity. We also report having devised an evaluating system for exercise capacity which has the combined data of changes in the peak flow velocity, ST changes on the electrocardiogram and changes in heart rate, during exercise and in a recovery period.