Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


1993 - Vol.20

Vol.20 No.10

Original Article(原著)

(0569 - 0573)

肝左葉下面のAccessory Fissureの超音波像

Sonographic Features of Accessory Fissure of the Left Hepatic Lobe

新澤 真理, 石田 秀明, 長沼 裕子, 澤邊 淳, 宇野 篤, 正宗 研

Makoto NIIZAWA, Hideaki ISHIDA, Hiroko NAGANUMA, Jun SAWABE, Atsushi UNO, Osamu MASAMUNE


First Department of Internal Medicine, Akita University School of Medicine

キーワード : Ultrasound, Liver, Anatomy

In this article we describe the sonographic features of accessory fissure of the left hepatic lobe, an area that is rarely reported. It is globally imaged as a wedge-shaped hyperechoic area because of invaginated peritoneal fat. The anterior side of the fissure is demonstrated as lingular, the lateral side is shown as lingular or oval, depending on the degree of fissure. This particular location strongly suggests a close relationship with the hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal ligaments. Recognition of these sonographic features can avoid misdiagnoses.