Case Report(症例報告)
(0104 - 0108)
A Case with Right Atrial Thrombus Detected as a Cystic Mass by 2-Dimensional Echocardiography
宮沢 総介1, 香坂 茂美1, 成味 純1, 宮田 晴夫1, 林 淳一郎1, 森本 典子2, 鈴木 晴彦2
Sosuke MIYAZAWA1, Shigemi KOHSAKA1, Jun NARUMI1, Haruo MIYATA1, Junichiro HAYASHI1, Noriko MORIMOTO2, Haruhiko SUZUKI2
1聖隷三方原病院循環器科, 2聖隷三方原病院臨床検査科
1Seirei Mikatabara General Hospital Department of Cardiology, 2Seirei Mikatabara General Hospital Central Laboratory
キーワード : Right atrial thrombus, Two-dimensional echocardiography
We report the case of a 84-year-old man with a thin-walled cystic mass in the right atrium. The cystic mass was clearly demonstrated by two-dimensional echocardiography. He died from miltiple organ failure. At autopsy, a whitish, rough-surfaced cystic mass was found attached to the right atrial wall between the superior vena cava and the right atrial appendage. Under microscopic examination, the wall of the cyst was revealed to be composed of platelets, fibrin and red blood cells. To our knowledge, this type of right atrial thrombus has not been previously reported.