Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1994 - Vol.21

Vol.21 No.03

Technical Note(技術報告)

(0152 - 0156)


Visualizing Tumor Blood Flow by 3-Dimensional Color Doppler Ultrasound

田野 茂夫1, 上野 規男1, 冨山 剛1, 佐々木 厚博1, 木村 健1, 佐藤 武史2, 平間 信2

Shigeo TANO1, Norio UENO1, Takeshi TOMIYAMA1, Atsuhiro SASAKI1, Ken KIMURA1, Takeshi SATO2, Makoto HIRAMA2

1自治医科大学消化器内科, 2東芝医用機器技術研究所

1Department of Gartroenterology, Jichi Medical School, 2Medical Engineering Laboratory, Toshiba Corporation

キーワード : 3-dimensional, Color Doppler, Tumor blood flow

We attempted to visualize tumor blood flow by overlaying the tumor outline on 3-D color Doppler images. The equipment used was the Toshiba SSA-270A with a probe (3.75 MHz) installed on the 3-D position detecting arm. A hepatocellular carcinoma with a diameter of 40 mm was discovered. 3-D color Doppler images reveal the blood flow around the tumor; however, it is difficult to distinguish between the intra- and the extra-tumor blood flow without observing the tumor's outline. By overlaying the outline onto 3-D blood flow images, we can clearly distinguish between the intra- and the extra-tumor blood flow. This method is considered to be useful for observing the relationship between a tumor and the surrounding vessels.