Original Article(原著)
(0278 - 0285)
Usefullness of Ultrasound Imaging at the Determination on the Degree of Infiltration in Renal Cell Carcinoma
矢橋 俊丈1, 木村 得次1, 坂野 信也1, 川地 俊明1, 奥村 恭己1, 金森 勇雄1, 藤本 佳則2, 上野 一哉2, 磯貝 和俊2
Toshitake YABASHI1, Tokuji KIMURA1, Shinya BANNO1, Toshiaki KAWACHI1, Yasuki OKUMURA1, Isao KANAMORI1, Yoshinori FUJIMOTO2, Kazuya UENO2, Kazutoshi ISOGAI2
1大垣市民病院放射線技術部, 2大垣市民病院泌尿器科
1Department of Radiology, Ogaki Municipal Hospital, 2Department of Urology, Ogaki Municipal Hospital
キーワード : Renal cell carcinoma, Ultrasound imaging, pT category
We reviewed 40 cases of renal cell carcinoma using ultrasound imaging (conventional and score methods) to determine the degree of cancer cell infiltration, and then compared the results between the various pT categories. The accuracy rate of ultrasound evaluations was 40% (16/40) using the conventional method and 80% (32/40) using the score method, indicating that the score method is more accurate than the conventional method in reflecting the pT category. Using the score method, the findings involved in making a distinction between classes were: deformation of the kidney and deformation of the central echo complex for pT2a and pT2b, irregularities in tumor contour for pT2b and pT3, and the presence of a renal cortex between the tumor and the renal capsule for distinguishing pT2a from pT2b and pT2b from pT3. The total score for determining the degree of infiltration of the cancer cell using the score method tended to increase as the tumor size increased, with increasingly mixed patterns in the inside echo.