Original Article(原著)
(0703 - 0711)
Measurement of Small Vibrations at Two Adjacent Points on the Aorta by Controlling the Direction of an Ultrasonic Beam for Noninvasive Diagnosis of Arteriosclerosis
村田 亮治1, 金井 浩1, 中鉢 憲賢1, 小岩 喜郎2, 竹内 康人3
Ryoji MURATA1, Hiroshi KANAI1, Noriyosi CHUBACHI1, Yoshiro KOIWA2, Yasuhito TAKEUCHI3
1東北大学工学部電気工学科, 2東北大学第1内科, 3GE横河メディカルシステム(秩)
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Tohoku University, 2Tohoku University School of Medicine, 3GE Yokogawa Medical Systems, Ltd.
キーワード : Aorta, Arteriosclerosis, Pulse-wave velocity, Ultrasonic Doppler method
Small vibrations were measured simultaneously at two adjacent points on the aortic wall near the aortic valve by electronically alternating the direction of an ultrasonic beam. Transit delay time of the pulse wave between these two points was determined from the two vibration signals obtained by this alternating-beam method. Local pulse-wave velocity at a point several millimeters along the aorta was precisely obtained by dividing distance between these points by resultant transit delay time. Such local acoustic properties of blood vessels will prove useful, especially for noninvasive diagnosis of early stage arteriosclerosis.