Original Article(原著)
(0729 - 0735)
経腹的超音波断層法による前立腺疾患の評価 経直腸的超音波断層法との比較
Clinical Utility of Transabdominal Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Prostatic Diseases: A Compared with Transrectal Ultrasonography
河原 優, 秋野 裕信, 岡田 謙一郎
Masaru GOBARA, Hironobu AKINO, Kenichiro OKADA
Fukui Medical School
キーワード : Prostatic cancer, Transabdominal ultrasonography, Transrectal ultrasonography, Ultrasonic diagnosis
Ultrasonic images of 44 cases (27 cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia and 17 cases of prostatic cancer) are reviewed in this retrospective comparison of the clinical usefulness of transabdominal (TAUS) and transrectal (TRUS) utrasonography in the diagnosis of prostatic diseases. Diagnostic value of TAUS and TRUS was evaluated for deformity, echogenicity, and capsular irregularity of the prostate. Ultrasonic diagnosis based on these criteria was made and compared with pathological findings. Visual accuracy of deformity with TAUS in the diagnosis of prostatic cancer (47%) was lower than that of TRUS. In those cases showing abnormalities highly indicative of carcinoma, however, the diagnostic value TAUS was almost equal to that of TRUS (95%). This suggests that TAUS may have limited value in the precise evaluation of prostatic diseases and that TAUS may be the diagnostic tool of choice in cases of relatively advanced prostatic diseases.