Original Article(原著)
(0027 - 0030)
Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Pleural Adhesion in Patients with Lung Cancer
中野 昇1, 大山 重勝2, 古武 彌宏3, 安光 勉3
Noboru NAKANO1, Shigekatsu OYAMA2, Yahiro KOTAKE3, Tsutomu YASUMITSU3
1国立療養所愛媛病院外科, 2大阪府立羽曳野病院生理機能検査室, 3大阪府立羽曳野病院外科
1Department of Surgery National Sanatorium Ehime Hospital, 2Department of Physiological Examination Osaka Prefectural Habikono Hospital, 3Department of Surgery Osaka Prefectural Habikono Hospital
キーワード : Lung cancer, Pleural adhesion, Ultrasonographic diagnosis
We evaluated the usefulness of ultrasonographic studies in the diagnosis of pleural adhesion before surgery in 120 patients with lung cancer. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were 63%, 81%, and 72%, respectively, in the realtime diagnosis of pleural adhesion in 58 patients with ultrasonographic findings indicative of lung tumor; they were 31%, 80%, and 68%, respectively in 62 patients whose ultrasonographic findings were not indicative of lung tumor. Sensitivity was significantly higher in patients with ultrasonographic findings indicative of lung tumor than in those with negative findings (p>0.05). Our results indicate that ultrasonographic diagnosis of pleural adhesion is feasible: its specificity was about 80%, whether lung tumor was present or not.