Original Article(原著)
(0159 - 0167)
Evaluation of the Uterus by Transvaginal Ultrasonography with Fluid Contrast Augmentation in the Uterine Cavity
藤脇 伸一郎1, 斎藤 寿一郎1, 渡辺 潤一郎1, 堀越 裕史1, 近藤 俊彦1, 荻庭 一元1, 石塚 文平1, 雨宮 章1, 作山 攜子2
Shinichiro FUJIWAKI1, Juichiro SAITO1, Jyunichiro WATANABE1, Hiroshi HORIKOSHI1, Toshihiko KONDO1, Ichigen HAGINIWA1, Bunpei ISHIZUKA1, Akira AMEMIYA1, Keiko SAKUYAMA2
1聖マリアンナ医科大学産婦人科, 2横浜市西部病院放射線科
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology St. Marianna University Shool of Medicine, 2Department of Radiology, Yokohama Seibu Hospital
キーワード : Endometrium, Sonohysterography, Transvaginal ultrasohgrphy, Uterine disorder, Ultrasound
Although hysteroscopy is generally recognized as the primary diagfinostic procedure for evaluating intrauterine disorders, it is of limited usefulness in evaluating uterine conguration and lesions in the myometrium. To evaluate its diagnostic efficacy, we used sonohysterography to examine patients with uterine disorders. The subjects were one hundred thirteen patients with normal menstrual cycles and suspected intrauterine disorders. First, a flexible 5.5 Fr. or 8 Fr. catheter fitted with a balloon was introduced into the cervical canal, and the endometrial cavity was then fully inflated with a 10% glucose solution and observed by tran- svaginal ultrasound. The endometrium appeared as separate layers during the normal menstrual cycle and became thicker from the proliferative to the periovulatory phase. Its thickness remained constant during the periovulatory and the secretory phases, however. Sonohysterography visualized intrauterine lesions more precisely than did transvaginal ultrasound in cases of intrauterine disorder, especially in leiomyomas, endometrial polyps, and endometrial carcinomas with myometrial invasion. Sonohysterography proved to be a simple and repeatable method that can be used to diagnose and differentiate intrauterine disorders.