Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1995 - Vol.22

Vol.22 No.02

Case Report(症例報告)

(0197 - 0201)


A Case of Postrenal Renal Failure Evaluated with Color Doppler Sonography as Part of the Treatment Plan

片岡 肇一1, 内田 博仁1, 斉藤 豊彦1, 吉田 英機1, 渡辺 賀寿雄2, 芝木 國雄2, 広田 彰男3

Toshiichi KATAOKA1, Hiroji UCHIDA1, Toyohiko SAITOU1, Hideki YOSHIDA1, Kazuo WATANABE2, Kunio SHIBAKI2, Akio HlROTA3

1昭和大学泌尿器科, 2東京専売病院泌尿器科, 3東京専売病院内科

1Department of Urology Showa University School of Medicine, 2Department of Urology Tokyo Senbai Hospital, 3Department of Internal Medicine Tokyo Senbai Hospital

キーワード : Color Doppler sonography, Percutaneous nephrostomy, Postrenal renal failure

We report a case of postrenal renal failure resulting from advanced uterus carcinoma evaluated by color Doppler sonography before and after treatment. A 68-years-old woman was hospitalized with postrenal renal failure resulting from bilateral ureteral obstruction caused by advanced uterus carcinoma. Color Doppler sonography was used to determine site of nephrostomy. Nephrostomy was performed on the right kidney, which color Doppler sonographic examination showed to function better than the left kidney. After surgery color Doppler sonography of the right kidney showed recovery from renal dysfunction before serum uremic toxins had returned to their normal levels. These observations suggest the value of color Doppler sonography in estimating degree of renal function both before and after treatment of renal failure.