Original Article(原著)
(0247 - 0251)
Evaluation of Screening for Bladder Tumors Using Transabdominal Ultrasonogaphy
杉本 浩造1, 中川 修一1, 大江 宏1, 渡辺 泱1, 中橋 彌光2, 青木 正2
Kozo SUGIMOTO1, Shuichi NAKAGAWA1, Hiroshi OHE1, Hiroki WATANABE1, Hisamitsu NAKAHASHI2, Tadashi AOKI2
1京都府立医科大学泌尿器科, 2西陣病院泌尿器科
1Department of Urology Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, 2Department of Urology Nishijin Hospital
キーワード : Bladder tumor, Screening, Transabdominal ultrasonography
Bladder tumor was suspected in 32 of 774 urinary bladders that were examined by transabdominal ultrasonography (US) from January 1988 to December 1990, and was confirmed on cytoscopic examination in 9 of the 32 cases. Diameter of the ultasonically detected tumors ranged from 0.5 cm to 8 cm. However, cytoscopy detected 5 tumors that had not been detected on ultrasonic examination, and 2 of them were subsequently diagnosed as malignant on the basis of histologic findings. Both malignant tumors were 0.3 cm in diameter. Thus sensitivity of US was 64%, while specificity is 80%, when compared with the cytoscopic findings. These results led us to believe that a synthetic judgment, based on urine cytology or other modalities in addition to US, was necessary in the screening of bladder tumors. Although the efficacy of US was too low to qualify it for use as an independent tool for screening for bladder tumors, it was considered that observation of the bladder should be added to the general US screening of abdominal organs.