Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1995 - Vol.22

Vol.22 No.03

Case Report(症例報告)

(0267 - 0272)


A Case of Portal Vein Aneurysm at the Porta Hepatis

大波 勇一, 石田 秀明, 宇野 篤, 紺野 啓, 長沼 裕子, 正宗 研

Yuichi OHNAMI, Hideaki ISHIDA, Atsushi UNO, Kei KONNO, Hiroko NAGANUMA, Osamu MASAMUNE


First Department of Internal Medicine Akita University School of Medicine

キーワード : Aneurysm, Color Doppler, Portal vein, Ultrasound

Aneurysm of the extrahepatic portal vein is a rare vascular disorder: only 31 cases appear in the literature. Here we report an asymptomatic case of aneurysm of the extrahepatic portal vein and briefly review the literature. A 54-year-old man was admitted to our institution for evaluation of a portal vein abnormality that had been discovered on mass screening. Ultrasonography showed slight dilatation (2.4×2.1 cm) of the portal vein at the porta hepatis, but no other abnormality was found in the portal system. Doppler sonography showed a slow, constant flow along the aneurysmal wall. These results consistent with the CT, MR, and portographic findings. There was no sign suggestive of portal hypertension. US-guided liver biopsy showed a somewhat fatty liver. We thus consider that portal aneurysm might be accurately diagnosed with color Doppler sonographpy.