Case Report(症例報告)
(0381 - 0383)
A Case of Testicular Trauma Usefully Evaluated With Color Doppler Sonography on Preoperative Diagnosis
片岡 肇一 1, 斉藤 豊彦1, 吉田 英機1, 渡辺 賀寿雄2, 芝木 國雄2
Toshiichi KATAOKA 1, Toyohiko SAITOU 1, Hideki YOSHIDA1, Kazuo WATANABE2, Kunio SHIBAKI 2
1昭和大学泌尿器科学, 2東京専売病院泌尿器科
1Department of Urology, Showa University School of Medicine, 2Department of Urology, Tokyo Senbai Hospital
キーワード : Color Doppler ultrasonography , Conservative management , Testicular trauma
A 40-year-old man was admitted to this institution complaining of pain and swelling in the right testicle three days after recieving a blow to the scrotum while playing beseball. Color Doppler sonography showed a rupture of tunica albuginea and arterial blood flow in the testis. A hematocele and an approximately 15-mm tear of the tunica albuginea with protrusion of the seminiferous tissue were discovered on exploration. The hematocele was excised and the tunica albuginea was repaired. Presence of blood flow in the testis suggested that the testis could be saved. Recent wide-spread use of ultrasonographic examination has increased the rate of correct diagnosis in cases of testicular trauma to about 70%. Choice between orchiectomy and conservatice management is difficult, however. Nonetheless, Color Dopier ultrasonography is far more useful than B-mode ultrasonography alone in determining the appropriateness of conservative management.