Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1995 - Vol.22

Vol.22 No.06

Technical Note(技術報告)

(0461 - 0471)

超音波造影剤SH/TA-508の肝腫瘍に対するドプラシグナル増強効果の検討 -臨床第Ⅱ相試験-

Evaluation of Color Doppler Using a Saccharide-Based Contrast Agent, SH/TA-508, on Liver Tumor: A Phase II Clinical Study

大藤 正雄1, 松谷 正一1, 水本 英明1, 木村 健2, 上野 規男2, 冨山 剛2, 小池 正3, 川内 章裕3, 伊藤 洋二3, 大熊 稔4, 北村 次男5, 田中 幸子5, 藤堂 彰男6, 冨田 周介6, 工藤 正俊6, 小川 暢也7, 尾前 照雄8, 山村 秀夫9

Masao OHTO1, Shoichi MATSUTANI 1, Hideaki MIZUMOTO1, Ken KIMURA2, Norio UENO2, Takeshi TOMIYAMA2, Tadashi KOIKE3, Akihiro KAWAUCHI 3, Yoji ITO3, Minoru OHKUMA4, Tsugio KITAMRA5, Sachiko TANAKA5, Akio TODO6, Shusuke TOMITA6, Masatoshi KUDO6, Nobuya OGAWA7, Teruo OMAE8, Hideo YAMAMURA9

1千葉大学第1内科, 2自治医科大学消化器内科, 3昭和大学外科, 4京都大学第1内科, 5大阪府立成人病センター消化器内科, 6神戸市立中央市民病院消化器内科, 7愛媛大学薬理学, 8国立循環器病センター, 9康済会病院

1First Department of Medicine Chiba University School of Medicine, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9

キーワード : Color Doppler flow imaging, Contrast echography, Liver tumor

In this phase II clinical study, three different doses of a saccharide-based ultrasound contrast agent, SH/TA-508, were injected intravenously into 88 patients with liver tumors that required color Doppler flow imaging. Changes in color Doppler images of tumors, and the safety and usefulness of SH/TA-508 were evaluated. Appropriate signal enhancement in color Doppler images was obtained in more than 70% of the patients. Optimal images were obtained more frequently at doses with a concentration of 300 or 400 mg/ml, rather than 200 mg/ml. Transient pain, cool sensation at the site of injection, and other adverse events were observed in 6 (7%) patients. These results suggest that an initial dose of 5 ml at a concentraion of 300 mg/ml is sufficient to obtain satisfactory color Doppler images in liver tumor.