Technical Note(技術報告)
(0637 - 0648)
超音波造影剤 SH/TA-508 の第II相試験
Phase II Clinical Study of SH/TA-508, at Ultrasound Contrast Agent: A Dose-Finding Study of SH/TA-508 in Color Doppler Flow Imaging in the Kindney
松尾 裕英1, 高橋 則尋1, 由良 高文1, 宮武 邦夫2, 中谷 敏2, 石蔵 文信2, 阿部 圭志3, 今井 潤3, 笹生 俊一4, 笠井 豊4, 杉崎 徹三5, 戸塚 大輔4, 川内 章裕6, 高元 俊彦7, 吉田 マリ子7, 羽田 勝征8, 伊藤 敦彦8, 加藤 和三9, 澤田 準9, 森安 史典10
Hirohide MATSUO1, Norihiro TAKAHASHI1, Takafumi YURA1, Kunio MIYATAKE2, Satoshi NAKATANI2, Fuminobu ISHIKURA2, Keishi ABE3, Yutaka IMAI3, Shunicni SASO4, Yutaka KASAI4, Tetsuzo SUGISAKI5, Daisuke TOTSUKA4, Akihiro KAWAUCHI6, Toshihiko TAKAMOTO7, Mariko YOSHIDA7, Yoshiyuki HADA8, Nobuhiko ITO8, Kazuzo KATO9, Hitoshi SAWADA9, Fuminori MORIYASU10
1香川医科大学第2内科, 2国立循環器病センター内科心臓部門, 3東北大学第2内科, 4国立療養所宮城病院第2内科, 5昭和大学腎臓内科, 6昭和大学外科, 7佐々木研究所附属杏雲堂病院循環器科 , 8JR東京総合病院循環器内科, 9心臓血管研究所附属病院内科, 10京都大学第1内科, 11神戸市立中央市民病院循環器内科, 12愛媛大学薬理学, 13国立循環器病センター, 14康済会病院
1Second Department of Internal Medicine, Kagawa Medical School, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14
キーワード : Color Dopper flow imaging, Contrast echo, Kidney, Ultrasound
吉川 純一 11
赤土 正洋 11
小川 暢也 12
尾前 照雄 13
山村 秀夫 14
We conducted a dose-finding study of the effect of SH/TA 508, an ultrasound contrast agent, on signal enhancement in color Doppler flow imaging in the kidney. The safety and usefulness of this agent were also
evaluated. Signal enhancement effect at a scale of 2+ or higher was obtained from more than 70% of the 67
evaluable patients studied. Concentrations of 300 or 400 mg/ml enhanced signals more effectively than a concentration of 200 mg/ml. Better signal enhancement was obtained in patients whose creatinine value was less
than 1.5 mg/dl, when results were layered and analyzed by creatinine value (