Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1995 - Vol.22

Vol.22 No.10

Original Article(原著)

(0703 - 0710)


Three-Dimensional Display of the Prostate by Commercially Available Software, and Its Use in Correcting Calculation of Prostatic Volume

木村 明1, 北村 唯一1, 黒岡 雄二2, 河邊 香月2

Akira KIMURA1, Tadaichi KITAMURA1, Yuuji KUROOKA 2, Kazuki KAWABE2

1東京大学附属病院分院泌尿器科, 2東京大学泌尿器科

1Department of Urology University of Tokyo Branch Hospital, 2Department of Urology University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine

キーワード : Ellipsoid volume calculation, Personal computer, Three-dimensional display, Transrectal ultrasonotomography

We used a personal computer and commercially available software to display prostatic contours of 5 normal prostates, 10 with hypertrophy and 5 with cancer, in three dimensions, based on transrectal ultrasonograms. Each had a distinctive shape. The contour of a prostatic cancer had an irregular surface, while that with prostatic hypertrophy was smooth and spherical; a normal prostate was flat. Time required to input the prostatic contours of one case was about thirty minutes, however, long enough to prevent three-dimensional display of the prostate from becoming a routine procedure. Twenty three-dimensional prostatic models thus made, however, were used to develop a system to improve the accuracy of the sonometrics of the prostate by calculating ellipsoid volume. With this system, the operator chooses from among 20 prostatic models displayed on a monitor the one whose cross and sagital sections most closely resemble those of the prostate being diagnosed. The system then shows the degree of error of ellipsoid volume calculation of the chosen three-dimensional prostatic model. This procedure was more practical in that it required only about three minutes.