Case Report(症例報告)
(0729 - 0732)
A Case of Floating Gallbladder Initially Diagnosed as Common Bile Duct Dilatation on Abdominal Ultrasonographic Examination
猪股 英俊, 白松 文彦, 辰口 治樹, 三谷 環, 伊東 佳澄, 三谷 正信, 平田 健一郎, 吉田 茂夫
Hidetoshi INOMATA, Fumihiko SHIRAMATSU, Haruki TATSUGUCHI, Tamaki MlTANI, Kasumi ITOH, Masanobu MlTANI, Kenichirou HIRATA, Shigeo YOSHIDA
Department of Diagnostic Ultrasound and ME Sapporo Medical University
キーワード : Common bile duct dilatation, Endoscopic ultrasonography, Floating gallbladder, Torsion of gallbladder
Although floating gallbladder occurs in approximately 4% of the population, it is seldom diagnosed with ultrasonography. Here we report a case of a floating gallbladder in which the abdominal ultrasonogram showed echo-free space in front of the portal vein and inferior vena cava. It was first misdiagnosed as a dilated common bile duct. Endoscopic ultrasonography and other imaging methods were useful in making a correct diagnosis. It is important to rule out a floating gallbladder when diagnosing a dilated common bile duct.