Case Report(症例報告)
(0737 - 0740)
無症状のうちに診断しえた大動脈四尖弁の1例−経食道心エコー図法とMagnetic Resonance Imaging法による検討−
An Asymptomatic Case of Quadricuspid Aortic Valve: Diagnosis by Transesophageal Echocardiography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
松崎 つや子1, 本間 博1, 佐藤 淳子1, 斎藤 公一1, 黒田 肇1, 勝田 悌実2, 宗像 一雄2, 岸田 浩2, 早川 弘一2, 林 宏光3, 隈崎 達夫3
Tsuyako MATSUZAKI1, Hiroshi HOMMA1, Junko SATOU1, Kouichi SAITOH1, Hajime KURODA1, Masami KATSUTA2, Kazuo MUNAKATA2, Hiroshi KlSHIDA2, Hirokazu HAYAKAWA2, Hiromitsu HAYASHI3, Tatsuo KUMAZAKI3
1日本医科大学生理機能センター, 2日本医科大学生理機能センター第1内科, 3日本医科大学生理機能センター放射線科
1Department of Physiological Examination Nippon Medical School, 2First Department of Internal Medicine Nippon Medical School, 3Department of Radiology Nippon Medical School
キーワード : Magnetic resonance imaging, Quadricuspid aortic valve, Transesophageal echocardiography
A 64-year-old asymptomatic woman with quadricuspid aortic valve, a rare congenital malformation, is described here. The literature contains few reports of asymptomatic cases. Three cusps of equal size and a smaller accessory cusp were found when transesophageal echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging were used to closely examine the aortic valve of the present patient, and moderate aortic regurgitation was detected at the center of the four cusps. No other cardiac anomaly was detected. Because sudden death is a serious complication of quadricuspid aortic valve, one should make the most of noninvasive tools such as transesophageal echocardiography and magnetic resonanca imaging, even in asymptomatic patients.