Original Article(原著)
(0781 - 0785)
AQ法による左室容積変化曲線の臨床的有用性: 左室造影法との比較検討
Clinical Validation of Changes in Left Ventricular Volume Evaluated by an Echocardiographic Acoustic Quantification Method: Comparison With a Cineangiographic Simpson's Rule
八木 登志員, 吉川 純一, 吉田 清, 穂積 健之, 赤土 正洋, 赤阪 隆史, 高木 力, 川井 順一, 野沢 浩子
Toshikazu YAGI, Jun-ichi YOSHIKAWA, Kiyoshi YOSHIDA, Takeshi HOZUMI, Masahiro SHAKUDO, Takashi AKASAKA, Tsutomu TAKAGI, Jun-ichi KAWAI , Hiroko NOZAWA
Division of Cardiology Kobe General Hospital
キーワード : Acoustic quantification, Cineangiography, Time/volume curve
To determine the usefulness of the time/volume curve from the acoustic quantification (AQ) method in the evaluation of left ventricular (LV) function, we used both AQ and left ventriculography (LVG) to examine 15 individuals with normal wall motion. Real-time LV volume determined by the AQ method was obtained by applying Simpson's rule to the apical two-chamber view. Time to peak emptying rate (T-PER), time to end-systole (T-ES), time to peak filling rate (T-PFR), and duration of rapid filling (D-RF) were determined from the time/volume curve and used as indices of LV function. Coefficients of correlation between AQ and LVG were 0.88 (SEE=14 msec), 0.92 (SEE=15 msec), 0.99 (SEE=7 msec), and 0.99 (SEE=11 msec) for T-PER, T-ES, T-PFR, and D-RF, respectively. The time/volume curve of the AQ method thus proves useful in evaluating LV function.