循環器(心臓)1 虚血性疾患
Pseudoaneurysm of the Left Internal Thoracic Artery Graft at the Anastomotic Site after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting; Diagnosed by Transthoracic Echocardiography.
三宅 誠1, 黒済 和代2, 泉 知里1, 廣田 貴代2, 関口 きよみ2, 橋和田 須美代2, 小西 孝1, 松本 雅彦3
Makoto MIYAKE1, Kazuyo KUROZUMI2, Chisato IZUMI1, Kiyo HIROTA2, Kiyomi SEKIGUCHI2, Sumiyo HASHIWADA2, Takashi KONISHI1, Masahiko MATSUMOTO3
1天理よろづ相談所病院 循環器内科, 2天理よろづ相談所病院 臨床病理部, 3天理よろづ相談所病院 心臓血管外科
1The Department of Cardiology, Tenri Hospital, 2The Department of Clinical Pathology, Tenri Hospital, 3The Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Tenri Hospital
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