Case Report(症例報告)
(0301 - 0306)
Multiple Aortic Ring Abscess and Mitral Valve Aneurysm Caused by Infective Endocarditis With Aortitis Syndrome Diagnosed Using Transthoracic and Transesophageal Echocardiography
周藤 弥生1, 中村 憲司2, 石塚 尚子2, 藤田 洋子2, 仁木 清美2, 酒井 吉郎2, 橋本 明政3
Yayoi SUTO1, Kenji NAKAMURA2, Naoko ISHIZUKA2, Yoko HUJITA2, Kiyomi NIKI2, Kichiro SAKAI2, Akimasa HASHIMOTO3
1大阪市立総合医療センター循環器内科, 2東京女子医科大学循環器内科, 3東京女子医科大学心臓血管外科
1Division of Cardiology, Osaka City General Hospital, 2Division of Cardilology, Tokyo Womens Medical University , 3Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Tokyo Womens Medical University
キーワード : Aortic ring abscess, Infective endocarditis, Mitral valve aneurysm, Transesophageal echocardiography
A 33-year-old woman who had aortic valve replacement (AVR) because of infective endocarditis 2 years ago was referred to us with orthopnea and a new heart murmur. An aortic ring abscess and a mitral valve aneurysm were detected by transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography. Abnormal flow through the aortic ring between the aorta and the left atrium was shown by color Doppler echocardiography. The condition was diagnosed as prosthetic valve endocarditis and was treated using the re-AVR translocation method (AVR translocated in the supracoronary area) (Carbo Medics, 23 mm) and mitral valve repeacement (Carbo Medics, 29 mm). Changes in size and number of aortic root abscesses after surgery were closely monitored by transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography, which provides comprehensive infoemation about complex infective lesions.