Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1996 - Vol.23

Vol.23 No.05

Original Article(原著)

(0357 - 0362)

30 MHz探触子を用いた妊婦血流依存性血管拡張反応の非侵襲的観察

Use of a 30-MHz Probe to Investigate Noninvasive Assessment of Flow-mediated Vasodilation in Pregnant Women

吉田 純1, 中尾 伸二2, 小林 久晃1, 多賀 かすみ1, 小林 充尚1, 栗田 明2, 加藤 恵司3

Atsushi YOSHIDA1, Shinji NAKAO2, Hisaaki KOBAYASHI1, Kazumi TAGA1, Mitsunao KOBAYASHI1, Akira KURITA2, Keiji KATO3

1防衛医科大学校分娩部, 2防衛医科大学校第一内科, 3アロカ株式会社

1Department of Perinatal and Maternal Medicine, National Defense Medical College, 2First Department of Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College, 3ALOKA Company Limited

キーワード : Blood flow, Pregnancy, Ultrasonography, Vasodilation

To assess flow-mediated dilation in the radial artery noninvasively using a newly developed 30-MHz mechanical linear probe.
Twenty-six normal pregnant women and 16 nonpregnant healthy women were assessed.
Longitudinal images of the radial artery clearly showed the three layers of the vessel walls. A cuff placed on the upper arm was inflated to 30 mmHg above systolic pressure for 5 minutes. The diameter of the radial artery was measured before inflation (baseline) and after deflation of the cuff. Imaging of the artery was conducted for 6 minutes after the cuff was deflated. Flow-mediated vasodilation was determined by measuring change in radial artery diameter, expressed as a percentage of baseline diameter.
Maximum vasodilation occurred 1 minute after the cuff was deflated. Flow-mediated vasodilation in pregnant women (18%±6%) was significantly greater than in nonpregnant women (12%±4%, p Greater vasodilation in pregnant women than in nonpregnant women is thought to be influenced by improvement in endothelial function. The procedure used here is noninvasive, and repetitive examination is possible. This procedure makes early detection and classification of pregnancy-induced hypertension accompanied by reduction in endothelial function possible.