Original Article(原著)
(0505 - 0512)
Quantitative Analysis of Grade of Enhancement by Enhanced Ultrasonography in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
野村 康晴1, 松田 康雄2, 藪内 以和夫1, 位藤 俊一2
Yasuharu NOMURA1, Yasuo MATSUDA2, Iwao YABUUCHI1, Toshikazu ITOH2
1大手前病院内科, 2大手前病院外科
1Department of Internal Medicine, Otemae Hospital, 2Department of Surgery, Otemae Hospital
キーワード : Contrast agent, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Quantitative analysis, Ultrasound
We attempted the quantitative analysis of vascularity in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) nodules using enhanced ultrasonography (enhanced US). Our first goal was to determine the most appropriate parameter for this purpose. Enhanced US was performed on 58 HCC nodules smaller than 3 cm in diameter. On 17 of the 58 nodules, nine parameters were calculated using the time intensity curve (TIC) obtained from two regions of interest (ROIs): one placed on the tumor itself, the other on the non-tumor hepatic parenchyma. As was the case with enhanced US, these values were compared with those obtained from the time density curve (TDC) derived from digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and may be regarded as demonstrating actual arterial vascularity. Of these parameters, only vascularity index (V.I.), which represents maximum slope ratio of tumor to parenchyma, produced a significant correlation between TIC and TDC (r=0.552, p