Original Article(原著)
(0513 - 0518)
膀胱癌の深達度判定における経尿道的超音波断層法, CT, MRIの比較検討
Comparison of Transurethral Ultrasonography (TUUS), CT, and MRI for the Staging of Bladder Cancer
三神 一哉1, 大江 宏2, 中川 修一1, 杉本 浩造1, 渡辺 泱1
Kazuya MIKAMI1, Hiroshi OHE2, Shuichi NAKAGAWA1, Kozo SUGIMOTO1, Hiroki WATANABE1
1京都府立医科大学泌尿器科学教室, 2京都第二赤十字病院
1Department of Urology Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, 2Kyoto 2nd Red Cross Hospital
キーワード : Bladder cancer, CT, MRI, Staging, Transurethral ultrasonography
For 80 patients with bladder cancer treated with transurethral resection (TUR) or total cystectomy from January 1990 to December 1992, transurethral sonography (TUUS, 68 patients), CT (64 patients) and MRI (28 patients) were performed for tumor staging before surgery. Rate of detection was TUUS, 93% (63/68); CT, 77% (49/64); and MRI, 82% (23/28). TUR is commonly performed for T1 cancer, while total cystectomy is the treatment of choice when lesions are T2 or over. Staging diagnosis between T1 and T2 is thus very important. Sensitivity for superficial cancer (T1) was 68% in TUUS, 25% in CT, and 62% in MRI. Both TUUS and MRI were useful for local staging.