基礎6 照射安全
Trial production of diagnostic and therapeutic compound ultrasonic transducer for early dissolution of thrombosis
荻原 誠1, 窪田 純1, 佐々木 明1, 東 隆2, 梅村 晋一郎2, 古幡 博3
Makoto OGIHARA1, Jun KUBOTA1, Akira SASAKI1, Takashi AZUMA2, Shin-ichiro UMEMURA2, Hiroshi HURUHATA3
1(株)日立メディコ 技術研究所, 2(株)日立製作所 中央研究所, 3東京慈恵会医大 ME研究室
1Research & Development Center, Hitachi Medical Corporation, 2Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., 3Medical Engineering Laboratory, Jikei University School of Medicine
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