Original Article(原著)
(0657 - 0662)
Evaluation of Age, Echocardiographic Measurements, and PWV as Determinants of Aorto-Septal Angle
澤 政樹1, 岩瀬 正嗣2, 伊藤 優子1, 梶原 克祐1, 木村 美由紀2, 長谷川 和生2, 玉垣 浩美2, 松山 裕宇2, 安井 直2, 菱田 仁2
Masaki SAWA1, Masatsugu IWASE2, Yuko ITOU1, Katsusuke KAJIHARA1, Miyuki KIMURA2, Kazuo HASEGAWA2, Hiromi TAMAGAKI2, Hiroyuki MATSUYAMA2, Tadashi YASUI2, Hitoshi HISHIDA2
1藤田保健衛生大学病院臨床検査研究部, 2藤田保健衛生大学病院内科
1Joint Research Laboratory of Clinical Medicine, Fujita Health University School of Medicine, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
キーワード : Age, Aorto-septal angle (AS angle), Sigmoid septum, Echocardiography
The angle formed by the aorta and interventricular septum (AS angle) has been suggested to narrow with age. The cause of this phenomenon remains to be thoroughly investigated, however. We compared correlation between AS angle and patient age, pulse wave velocity (PWV), and echocardiographic measurements in 100 normal subjects and 102 patients with hypertension. Correlation between AS angle and age in the normal group (r=0.649) was significantly closer than in the hypertensive group (r=0.343). The hypertensive group, on the other hand, had a significantly closer correlation between AS angle and PWV (r=0.693) than the normal group (r=0.581). These results suggest that narrowing of the AS angle in the normal group is affected equally by aging and increase in PWV; in the hypertensive group, however, AS angle is affected more by PWV, which may represent arteriosclerosis, than by aging. No correlation was found between AS angle and such systolic echocadiographic parameters as %FS. AS angle and proximal septal bulge were significantly associated; AS angle and LV outflow velocity were not. These results suggest aging and arteriosclerosis as major causes of the AS-angle narrowing sometimes called sigmoid septum. Future studies should look for other determinants.