Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1996 - Vol.23

Vol.23 No.09

Case Report(症例報告)

(0675 - 0680)


A Duodenal Lesion Caused by Crohn's Disease Initially Diagnosed by Ultrasonography During Follow-up of Crohn's Disease of the Small Intestine: A Case Report

二神 安弘, 畠 二郎, 春間 賢, 藤村 二郎, 山中 秀彦, 谷 洋, 岡本 英一, 津賀 勝利, 楠 裕明, 花ノ木 睦巳, 山下 直人, 吉原 正治, 隅井 浩治, 梶山 梧朗

Yasuhiro FUTAGAMI, Jiro HATA, Ken HARUMA, Jiro FUJIMURA, Hidehiko YAMANAKA, Hiroshi TANI, Eiichi OKAMOTO, Katsutoshi TSUGA, Hiroaki KUSUNOKI, Mutsumi HANANOKI, Naoto YAMASHITA, Masaharu YOSHIHARA, Koji SUMII, Goro KAJIYAMA


First Department of Internal Medicine Hiroshima University School of Medicine

キーワード : Crohn's disease, Duodenum, Ultrasonography

A 29-year-old woman who had been treated for Crohn's disease of the small intestine for 10 years was admitted to this institution in March 1994 complaining of abdominal pain. Ultrasonographic examination showed marked wall thickening (13.7 mm) with partial loss of stratification from the duodenal bulb to the second portion. Endoscopic and barium contrast studies showed longitudinal ulcers and erosions at those sites at which the ultrasonographic findings were abnormal. Ultrasonographic findings on severity of inflammation and site of lesion closely coincided with the endoscopic and radiographic findings. We conclude that ultrasonography should be considered a useful tool in for detecting and evaluating gastrointestinal lesions associated with Crohn's disease.