Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1996 - Vol.23

Vol.23 No.09

Case Report(症例報告)

(0687 - 0692)


Delayed Onset of Loculated Pericardial Effusion With Left Ventricular Diastolic Collapse After Aortic Valve Replacement: A Case Study

小林 賀奈子1, 田辺 一明1, 佐野 和也1, 北村 順1, 木下 順久1, 浅沼 俊彦1, 吉冨 裕之1, 島田 俊夫1, 村上 林児2

Kanako KOBAYASHI1, Kazuaki TANABE1, Kazuya SANO1, Jun KITAMURA1, Yoshihisa KINOSHITA1, Toshihiko ASANUMA1, Hiroyuki YOSHITOMI1, Toshio SHIMADA1, Rinji MURAKAMI2

1島根医科大学第4内科, 2島根医科大学救急部

1Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Shimane Medical University, 2Emergency Unit, Shimane Medical University

キーワード : Cardiac surgery, Cardiac tamponade, Echocardiography, Left ventricle, Pericardial effusion

Late cardiac tamponade following open-heart surgery is a potentially lethal complication that is often difficult to diagnose. A 75-year-old woman had cardiac tamponade accompanied by left ventricular diastolic collapse caused by loculated pericardial effusion, which appeared 3 years after aortic valve replacement. The patient made a remarkable recovery from cardiac tamponade after 200 ml of bloody fluid was drained by pericardiocentesis. Recurrence of the pericardial effusion was treated with prednisolone at an initial daily dosage of 40 mg; this was tapered by 10 mg every week. Prednisolone appears to prevent recurrence of pericardial effusion. Left ventricular diastolic collapse may be a useful marker of tamponade in postoperative patients.