Original Article(原著)
(0731 - 0736)
超音波による門脈血流の検討 ―カラードプラ法および速度プロファイルを用いて―
Estimation of Portal Venous Flow Using the Color Doppler Method and Velocity Profiles
谷口 信行1, 高野 隆一3, 安田 是和2, 王 怡1, 中村 みちる1, 川井 夫規子1, 小野 倫子1, 横田 京子1, 尾本 きよか1, 伊東 紘一1
Nobuyuki TANIGUCHI1, Ryuichi TAKANO3, Yoshikazu YASUDA2, Yi WANG1, Michiru NAKAMURA1, Fukiko KAWAI1, Michiko ONO1, Kyoko YOKOTA1, Kiyoka OMOTO1, Kouichi ITOH1
1自治医科大学 臨床病理学, 2自治医科大学 腎臓内科, 3自治医科大学 救急医学
1Department of Clinical Pathology, Jichi Medical School, 2Department of Nephrology, Jichi Medical School, 3Department of Emergency Medicine, Jichi Medical School
キーワード : Color Doppler ultrasonography, Blood flow, Portal vein, Velocity profile
We used the color Doppler method and velocity profiles obtained with it to estimate portal venous flow. Blood-flow profiles in the main portal vein and right anterior branch had flattened peaks, which the pulsed Doppler methods used so far have rendered as parabolic. To determine approximate profile shape, we used the parameter n in the formula Vr=Vmax [1 - (r/a)n], in which the letter a indicates radius; Vmax, maximum velocity; r, position in the vessel (0 ≤ r ≤ a); Vr, velocity at portion r; and n, profile parameter. Values of the profile parameter, n, ranged from 5 to 8; no value of 2, which would indicate parabolic shape, was produced. The color Doppler method showed spiral flow in the left branch of the portal vein; and the peak of the velocity profile in the umbilical portion was sometimes faster in the outer flow and sometimes faster toward the center of the flow, probably reflecting the angles between the left portal branch and the umbilical portion of the vein, the angles of left portal branch being sharper than those of the umbilical portion of the vein. These methods should prove useful in estimating portal venous flow.