体表2 頚部他
Detection and differentiation of the cervical metastatic lymphnode in oral cancer by quantitative echography
三輪 邦弘1, 清水 真弓2
Kunihiro MIWA1, Mayumi SHIMIZU2
1福岡歯科大学 全身管理医歯学部門 診断全身管理学講座 画像診断学分野, 2九州大学大学院 歯学研究院 口腔顎顔面病態学講座 口腔画像情報科学分野
1Section of Image Diagnostics, Department of Diagnostics & General Care, Division of Oral & Medical Management, Fukuoka Dental College, 2Division of Radiology and Imaging Scinece, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathophysiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Kyushu University
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