Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


1996 - Vol.23

Vol.23 No.11

Original Article(原著)

(0777 - 0787)


Clinical Evaluation of Ultrasound in Type C Chronic Liver Disease

若杉 聡1, 2, 長谷川 浩一2, 左近司 光明3, 佐藤 温2, 4, 磯村 伸治4, 栗原 稔4, 大栗 茂芳1, 与芝 真1, 藤田 力也1

Satoshi WAKASUGI1, 2, Kouichi HASEGAWA2, Mitsuaki SAKANOJI3, Atsushi SATO2, 4, Shinji ISOMURA4, Minoru KURIHARA4, Shigeyoshi OOGURI1, Makoto YOSHIDA1, Rikiya FUJITA1

1昭和大学藤が丘病院消化器内科, 2(財)慈山会医学研究所付属坪井病院内科, 3(財)慈山会医学研究所付属坪井病院外科, 4昭和大学付属豊洲病院消化器科

1Department of Gastroenterology Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital, 2Department of Internal Medicine Tsuboi Memorial Cancer Research Institute, 3Department of Surgery Tsuboi Memorial Cancer Research Institute, 4Department of Gastroenterology Showa University Toyosu Hospital

キーワード : Liver-index, Type C chronic liver disease, Ultrasound

Stage of chronic liver disease has been reported to be assessable by a combination of several ultrasonographic (US) findings. Of these, dullness of the liver edge, roughness of the liver parenchyma, narrowing of the hepatic vein, and splenomegaly are reported as the most useful. We calculated liver-index (L.I.) by assigning one point to each of these four US findings when they were positive, and summing the point in each case. We then assessed the relationship between L.I. and pathologic stage, laboratory data, and duration of type C chronic diseases. The relationship between L. I. and pathologic stage of type C chronic liver disease was close, and L.I. was significantly correlated to ICGR=15, Type IV collagen, and platelet count. L.I. also tended to be greater in patients in whom disease duration was longer. L. I. is thus useful when evaluating development of type C chronic liver diseases.