体表4 乳腺2
Clinical Application of Elastography for superficial organs
高田 悦雄1, 林 光弘2, 砂川 正勝2, 三竹 毅3, 村山 直之4
Etsuo TAKADA1, Mitsuhiro HAYASHI2, Masakatsu SUNAGAWA2, Tsuyoshi MITAKE3, Naoyuki MURAYAMA4
1獨協医科大学 光学医療センター 超音波部門, 2獨協医科大学 第一外科, 3(株)日立メディコ 技術研究所, 4(株)日立メディコ US開発設計部
1Division of Medical Ultrasonics, Center of Optical Medicine, Dokkyo University School of Medicine, 2Department of Surgery Ⅰ, Dokkyo University School of Medicine, 3Research and Development Center, Hitachi Medical Corporation, 4Ultrasound Systems Division, Development Design Department, Hitachi Medical Corporation
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